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Corner Tattoos. Foot Rosary Tattoos For Women. For the many individuals getting tattoos, the tattoos represent something important to them. It isn't surprising that there are many religious tattoos' designs available. One popular choice, particularly for those with an Irish heritage, are Gaelic cross tattoos. With this increasingly popular choice, there are also many new Irish cross tattoos to choose from. It is important that when you choose one of the Gaelic cross tattoos that has Gaelic script, as so many do, that you are certain to get the correct translation of the phrase.

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That can mean doing a lot of research before you get your tattoo and also finding a tattoo artist who specializes in Gaelic cross tattoos. For those who are looking for a tattoo that is more spiritual than cultural, the praying hands with cross tattoo is one of those that is closely affiliated with religious beliefs. People with different religious beliefs often choose the Jesus fish tattoos and rosary tattoo designs.