Tribal Tattoo Stencils Picture 1
Center Tattoo. Tribal Tattoo Stencils. The first tribal tattoo designs were unplanned and happened due to particular circumstances. It is known that the first tribal tattoo had occurred because of a fall into the fire where a charred stick penetrated the skin and left a mark forever. Tribal tattoo designs were also used by people to ‘mark’ themselves so that they could belong to a particular tribe. This was also used to express certain religious and magical beliefs. The origins of the tribal art tattoos were rooted in the cave paintings. The oldest tattooed body is of a Bronze Age man who died over 5000 years ago. This body was found frozen, intact in an Italian glazier.
Tribal Tattoo Stencils Picture 2
Most tribal art tattoos resemble works of art and are used to express personal beliefs and convey traditions. The ancient way of tattooing the body involved using a needle that was attached to a stick. This was repeatedly tapped into the skin. Skin ornamentation was therefore an ancient art, practiced years ago. It is also known that these tribal tattoo designs were used as means of camouflaging the body with the environment. Every tribe or culture used various tribal tattoo designs that have different meanings and beliefs as per the pattern drawn.